Manuscript Submission


We are currently accepting submissions in the following categories:
Bible Studies
Christian Living
Leader’s Resources

For unsolicited work, our editorial department prefers only queries by e-mail. Please direct your query to editorial [at] grace-publishing [dot] com.

However, if you have a completed manuscript you would like us to consider for publication, we will accept a two-page, double-spaced synopsis, three consecutive sample chapters (double-spaced), and your proposal as email attachments. Please do not paste an entire synopsis, proposal, or manuscript into the body of an e-mail; it will not be reviewed. In the body of your email include only a brief, one-paragraph summary of your work.

Unsolicited works are reviewed in the order in which they are received. Please retain at least one copy of your work whether submitting a hard copy or electronic version for our consideration and review. Submissions received by USPS, UPS or FedEx without sufficient return labeling and postage included cannot be returned, and will be destroyed. Works received electronically will not be returned; they will be deleted if not accepted for publication.

Works of fiction should be at least 40,000 words and no more than 125,000 words.

We also consider previously published books by established authors. Authors must have documentation that the rights have been returned.

Authors under the age of 18 must have parental/guardian approval to submit their work, and must include that permission on the first page of their submission, along with the name and contact information of the parent/guardian.

We make every effort to review submissions in a timely manner, however, because of the quantity of submissions we receive we are unable to respond to email queries or mailed submissions immediately.

Include a current email address with any submission.

Hard copies may be mailed to:

Grace Publishing
PO Box 1233
Broken Arrow, OK  74013-1233