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Precious, Precocious Moments
62 Inspiring Stories About Children, Childhood, and Faith
Life with children is filled with precious, precocious moments. In this book stories from 45 authors run the gamut of emotions including laughter, love, loss, acceptance, forgiveness, grief, longing, despair, joy, thankfulness, and courage.
Their stories tell of adults teaching children, children teaching adults and, best of all, the awareness that God does indeed know and care, and if we seek him we find him because he is waiting for us with open arms, ready to show us the beauty in life…often, through a child.
Carolyn Barnum, Robin Bayne, Shirley G. Brosius, Elsie H. Brunk ,Rob Buck, Mirjam Budarz, Joann M. Claypoole, Autumn Conley, Tracy Crump, Greg M. Dodd, Susan Shelton Dollyhigh, Susan Engebrecht, Sandra Fischer, Virginia Foreman, Connie Gatlin, Janice D. Green, Lydia E. Harris, Judith Victoria Hensley, Karen R. Hessen, Julie A. Hilton, Helen L. Hoover, Thomas Kienzle, Ann Knowles, Christina M. Krost, David Lehman, Yvonne Lehman, Veronica L. Asay (Leigh), Emily Marett , Diana Leagh Matthews, Beverly Hill McKinney, Vicki H. Moss, Diana Owens , Carole Anne Pearson, Debbie Presnell, Joey Rudder, Jessica Satterfield, Karen Sawyer, Kevin Spencer, Ann Tatlock, C. Kevin Thompson, Carol Weeks, Cindy Wilson, Steve Wilson, Jean Wilund, Felicity Younts
All author royalties from the sale of this book will be donated to Samaritan’s Purse, a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world.
Precious, Precocious Moments
Compiled and Edited by Yvonne Lehman
176 pages
ISBN 10: 1-60495-015-3
ISBN 13: 978-1-60495-015-1