Successfully Funding Your Church’s Work for Christ
Over the years, churches have used many methods to promote their annual operating budgets. Most of these require a sizable investment in time, effort and expenses to execute. Some are successful. Many aren’t.
The method contained in this program will work for you if you implement it as recommended. It has been successful for tens of thousands of churches of every size, from all denominations.
Because it reaches members of your congregation in the privacy of their own homes, and with carefully worded messages, each contact creates a great impact.
The decision to give then becomes a personal matter between the giver and our Lord, not the giver and his pastor or stewardship committee.
If your members are not giving as they should, whether of their time, talent or treasure, it is because they lack either education of motivation. You have the opportunity to give them both.
This program is designed to enable you to educate and encourage God’s people to experience His best. To that end, each element has been carefully written to prepare the hearts of your members to listen for the promoting of the Holy Spirit.
It is our prayer that by using these stewardship emphasis programs, your church will succeed in its efforts to serve, honor, and glorify the Lord.
To view and select from our current program options, please Click Here.
Coming Soon: Stewardship…Love in Action.