Breaking the Yoke

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Award-winning God’s Kitchen Bible Study!

Breaking the Yoke:

     The Biblical Beginning…and End to Our Struggle With Food

Step Out of Hell’s Kitchen and Into God’s Kitchen!

There’s no denying it: Our culture has made us slaves to food!

Millions of people — just like you — feel as though they’ve lost (or are struggling with) the battle with food and their weight. And no wonder! Obesity is on the rise, yet through popular cooking programs, talk shows, tempting commercials and convenience foods, the entire food industry encourages us to mindlessly munch and expand.

But what would happen if you turned to Christ, instead of the fridge, to save you from your troubles? My friend, step out of Hell’s kitchen and follow the blessed, fragrant aromas of hope that lead to God’s kitchen!

What distinguishes the God’s Kitchen series from other publications, programs, and Bible studies is that this is not a diet or a Bible-foods-only plan, but an in-depth study of Scripture as it pertains to food, eating habits, attitudes, and our relationships with Almighty God and others. This unique interactive series is founded on biblical precepts that offer Christ-centered guidelines for physical and spiritual sustenance. Each lesson contains a food-focused Bible study segment, daily devotional, and theme-related recipe.

Taste and see how feasting on God’s Word can help you trust Him in all things. . . including your daily bread!

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Breaking the Yolk Yoke
Toni Perry

144 pages / 7 weeks

ISBN 10: 1-60495-004-8
ISBN 13: 978-1-60495-004-5